I  wanted to do some ethereal, almost impressionist and surreal drawings of bridges combined with colour so I decided to play around with inks and came up with these drawings. I am interested in developing them further by maybe drawing over them in pen, both colour and black and see what happens. I feel these could take a very interesting route and are very out of my comfort zone which is good!


I have begun a new side project solely for drawing and have picked the medium of bridges. (Please see my photography page for some of my primary research.) I have been testing out different types of styles and mediums and have fallen back in love the trusty fineliner and watercolour combo!


This session was a lot more open to interpretation and I found i really enjoyed drawing the body in quick, brave, straight lines rather than trying to make it look soft and delicate. I also added more tone and played around with altering the thickness of the lines by going over pencil with thick pen.


I have never done life drawing before so this was completely new to me. I found it very therapeutic and it was interesting drawing a person and having to really look closely at each line. It was a challenge as when you are drawing flowers, buildings etc you can draw what you expect to see and draw in a different way and the proportions aren't as vital.

However, this session introduced lots of new ways of drawing and it also taught me that things don't have to be perfect. e.g. the body doesn't have to be drawn in perfect proportion and some of my favourite drawings are the ones that could be considered 'wrong'.


I recently was lucky enough to spend a few days in London.

Whilst there I visited the V&A, Heals, Liberties, The British Museum and Tribal Gathering. Whilst there I took lots of pictures (See my photography page) and took some A5 sketchbooks. When I was in each place I did some quick drawings of the objects that interested my, giving myself just 3 minutes for each drawing to get myself to focus on the shape and pattern that had originally drawn me to the object to begin with.


Some quick pictures of the illustrations I have been working on in my sketchbook based on my floral theme for the 1, 10, 1000 project.